We are Group F!

Group F comprises 5 members.

☆ SuHang, 208
☆ Arienne, 305
☆ Fifi, 308
☆ Husnul, 206
☆ Grace, 303

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By Day

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Su Hang
- Reflection

- Reflection

- Reflection

- Reflection

- Reflection


- Information on Singapore
- Information on Yunnan
- Pre-trip Reflection


- October 2010
- November 2010
- December 2010


Layout & Banner: Arienne
Background: Photobucket
Icon: xxMandy20xx


Monday, December 13, 2010
Group Reflection Day 8 @ 12:47 PM

We went to West Hills but due to certain circumstance, we could only took 2-way ride to a certain point. We then, went to their Flower market. Other than flowers, it also has a lot of things like, coffee, biscuit, and even sweets.

We had our very last meals at Kunming before our flights. It was memorable.


Group Reflection Day 7 @ 12:46 PM


We went to Dinosaur Valley, they have a big variation of dinosaur bones, and it was an eye-opener. Who would have thought that those huge creatures are mostly herbivores? And dinosaur could be as small as 15cm long! After touring around the museums and we headed for the amusement park! It was a dinosaur-themed park and it was extremely fun. They even have an arcade, next to the amusement. We almost had the entire amusement park to ourselves.

After lunch, we had a quick shopping at a somewhere near our hotel and headed over to a restuarant for Over-bridge noodles. In conclusion, we ended our uber day with a super extremely delicious noodles.


Group Reflection Day 6 @ 12:45 PM


Very sadly, it was our last day at Anning Middle School, we continued with taji before learning Yi and Dai Dance. We got to wear minorities group costume and everyone gets to wear 2 different sets. Everyone started dancing together even for the feminine part. So, here's a props to the guys.

Anyhow, we started with the performance which everyone was so nervous about. We also have 3 rounds of charades in between the performance. In the end, thing goes really well. All the practices we have paid off.

The time came and we have to bid farewell with our buddy, which was quite a terrible scene as majority of the people were crying. Proving that, we can't bear to be separated from our buddy, even though we have not spent much time together. We left with a heavy heart and some of them continued to cry during dinner.


Group Reflection Day 5 @ 12:44 PM

We went for our CIP at Wenquan Primary School, it was a pleasure to have our buddy to be right beside us. We started our day in the classroom watching the other groups to teach the kids as we are responsible for the games, which was starting much later.
It started awkwardly and we didn't know if the kids understand us but everything went smoothly and things are less awkward with the help of our buddy. And thanks to them, we are really glad that we are able to get their attention and get them to do what we have planned. Overall, everyone has done their job well and there was a subtly sense of complishment.

We then had lunch with our buddy, we get to talk to each other and bond with them which was pure awesome. We later head back to Anning for a school tour and have taiji, we got to know more about Anning Middle School and martial arts.



Group Reflection Day 4 @ 12:43 PM

We went to Stone forest and JiuXiang today. According to our tour guide, Stone forest is one the the seven wonders. We could see huge stones when we were about to reach Stone Forest, but the "actual" stones in Stone forest were even bigger. Basically, the place was filled with lots of huge stone and everything was so spectacular. When we got to JiuXiang, it managed to amaze us more. We were all going, "Whooaa! So nice!" We also get to row boat, just that we will have to take turn since there are not enough paddle for everyone. We had so much fun and the cave istself, was an interesting place. It was definitely an eye-opener for everyone of us.


After all the sightseeing, we head back to the hotel and get the final preparation and touch-up done for our CIP tomorrow. A long day awaits for us~


Group Reflection Day 3 @ 12:42 PM

We started our day with a House visitation in the morning, so we were seperated from one another. Followed by that, we proceed to Yunnan Cultural Village and we could see a huge Pagoda while making our entrance to the Village. There were tons of oriental-looking buildings, ladies wearing their respective minorities groups costumes, some were playing instruments that we have never seen before. Different groups have their own beliefs, from Taoism to Christianity to Buddhism. It was quite interesting. We came across a tribal performance, and the female was climbing the ladder to reach the top. Amusingly, we didn't know what was going on. Someone found a super extraordinary huge bowl filled with water and started throw coins inside and got the curious ones to follow.


We ended our day after getting some souvenirs and learned something new about souvenirs shop.


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